
Master’s Degrees in Social Work

Do a World of Good with an 垃圾 Degree

What can you look forward to with a graduate degree in social work? 为了更好的改变——为了你和我们生活的社区. ladbrokes立博中文版的社会工作硕士毕业生是专注于帮助个人和家庭建立强大社区和社会的领导者. With a choice of four program options, 你将深入研究政策和研究,并进行广泛的实地考察,让你亲自动手, real-world experience. What better way to learn and practice your trade?


Best Grad 学校 US 新闻 - Social Work 2023


Master of Social Work programs in U.S.

Social Work Graduate Program Highlights

student smiling on laptop

Five program options to fit your schedule

Did you graduate with a BSW in the last six years? Advanced Standing is a two-year program especially for you. We also offer a full-time, 两年制的选择和一个可以在三到四年内完成的兼职城市垃圾项目. We even offer a three-year, 兼职都市固体废物星期六混合计划,以容纳工作的专业人士. 在任何情况下, 你的社会工作硕士课程将为你在社会工作和相关领域的职业生涯做好准备.
Dr. Castagna Lacet在课堂上对一群学生说,他们坐在一圈桌子旁,打开笔记本电脑

Small classes keep you well connected, well informed

You’re never lost in the crowd in the 垃圾 degree program at BSU. 我们为社会工作研究生课程的学生提供小班授课而感到自豪. 通过更个性化的方法和教员的全力保证,你将获得有价值的东西, 市场需要的技能, you’re on a fast track for career success.

Field practice makes perfect

It’s not enough to simply learn about policy. 我们的研究生将他们从社会工作硕士课程中学到的知识付诸实践.

All social work graduate programs require 实地考察, which includes internships and work in real-world settings, in addition to Master of Social Work courses. 此外,你将在培养领导技能和学习在系统内工作的同时进行研究.

Affordably priced, in state or out

Do you live in Massachusetts, or are you coming from out of town for our graduate degree in social work? 你会发现北京州立大学社会工作硕士课程的学费相当实惠. 这种方式, 当你毕业时, 你的债务会少一些,可以专注于建立你的事业——并享受它.

Scholarship funding

In the last three years, 北京州立大学社会工作学院已经获得了主要的资助来支持社会工作专业的研究生. 当一个学生被社会工作学院录取为城市生活垃圾学生时, 他们可以填写并提交申请,以考虑可用的资金. Learn more about School of Social Work funding »

Placement made easy

对于北京州立大学社会工作硕士毕业生来说,未来尤其光明. 从我们的社会工作研究生课程毕业的学生在许多工作环境中找到工作, 包括学校, 医院, court systems and the justice system. 许多人甚至继续教书,与其他学生分享他们对社会工作的热爱.

Program of Study for Social Work

Why BSU for a graduate degree in social work? 我们的课程是由社会工作教育委员会(CSWE)完全认可的。. 的 cornerstone of our 垃圾 degree program is social justice. 事实上, 我们的社会工作硕士课程的学生和毕业生了解共同努力带来的变化,以支持社会正义的价值. 所有的社会工作硕士学生都通过关心不同的人群和加强他们生活的社区来分享我们的承诺, 工作与学习.

在社会工作硕士课程中,你会喜欢多样性和压迫的动态, Human Behavior in the Social Environment and Social Work Practice.

Admission Requirements and Program Details


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Program details from 2023-2024 Undergraduate/Graduate Catalog


的 垃圾 program is also available as a 兼职的选择. 在非全日制选择下,城市固体废物计划可以在三或四年内完成.

Saturday Cohort Option

我们的城市生活垃圾周六队列选项旨在通过密集的混合队列模型适应工作的专业人士. Learn more about the 垃圾 Saturday Cohort Option.


Graduate Program Coordinator: Dr. Wendy Champagnie Williams

Joint 垃圾/JD Program with UMass Dartmouth Law

University of Massachusetts Law School-Dartmouth ladbrokes立博中文版社会工作学院在社会正义和为该地区的人民和社区服务方面有着共同的愿景,并很高兴提供一个联合项目,允许学生同时获得社会工作硕士学位和法学博士学位. 因为可以将其中一个项目的学分应用到另一个项目中, 获得联合学位的时间比没有联合项目的时间要少. Each student will take their own pathway, given the elective courses they choose, 然而,他们将提供一个学习课程,建议每学期的最佳课程分配.

JD/垃圾联合项目可以让你把你的社会工作研究和你的法学院教育结合起来,无论是全职还是兼职, with classes offered in both day and evening hours. Both degrees may be completed full-time in 4.5 calendar years, and may be accelerated by taking summer courses. A part-time student typically completes both degrees in 5 to 6.5 years depending on the amount of summer study. Students must complete both degrees within 7 years. 城市垃圾学位由ladbrokes立博中文版授予,法学博士学位由马萨诸塞大学达特茅斯法学院授予.

Students can take the program in a variety of different ways. 他们可以选择直接申请各自大学的两个学位课程, or they may elect the dual program later in their course of study. Students can take the 垃圾 portion part-time or full-time. 学生可以从法学院或社会工作课程开始,然后过渡到合并课程.

“My time at Bridgewater honed my writing, 研究, 公众演讲, 临床, 宣传, and case management skills and grounded these in a culturally aware, 道德的基础. 我认为桥水的城市生活垃圾项目是促使我改变职业的催化剂,并实现了我申请该项目时为自己设定的目标.”


Careers in Social Work

As a BSU graduate with an 垃圾 degree, you’ll have the skills to work with individuals, 家庭, groups and organizations and help address substance use, trauma and many other human challenges. 你甚至可能有机会分析和推荐支持公共和私营部门努力的政策,并探索支持变革的方法. Your graduate degree in social work can open the door to:

  • Clinical Social Work
  • Community 发展 Corporations
  • Child Welfare and Human Service Agencies
  • 健康 Clinics and Hospitals
  • 学校
  • 私人诊所

社会工作领域的就业前景尤其光明.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Social worker jobs are expected to grow


from 2020 to 2030, faster than the average for all occupations.

BSU 研究生学习 Overview Brochure Cover

View this PDF for an overview of the College of 研究生学习.

Counselor Education classroom 2020


4 students sitting at desks in in a graduate class


Grad students in a classroom

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